Temperature-controlled storage

Contamos con la infraestructura necesaria para recibir toda tu línea de productos y mantenerla en perfecto estado hasta su distribución.

Cada una de nuestras plantas cumple con estándares internacionales para el resguardo y almacenamiento congelado de alimentos por medio de la mayor tecnología de sistemas de temperatura controlada y refrigeración industrial.

We have industrial refrigeration where the product is kept at temperatures from - 0º to 4ºC.
The product will be kept at -18º to -23ºC.
Almacenaje en seco
Dry storage
So that all your products are in the same facilities.

In addition to storage, we complement the service with services such as:

Reception, control, and follow-up of inventories
Inventory expiration management, in case of perishable products.
Validation of merchandise through scanning (bar code, providing the customer with specific information of their merchandise).
Specialized maneuvers (division of lots or any type of extra maneuver).
Consulta de inventarios por línea.
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TIF, Verification Point and Sanitary Certification Center

We guarantee the proper custody and conservation of the products in our Federal Inspection Type (TIF) facilities; all our facilities are accredited for the handling and movement of animal products.

Each area of our facilities has sanitary customs which guarantee safety.

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Industries that are part of Grupo Arcosa